> Hitachi Metals America, Ltd.

Company Type: Supplier
Description: Hitachi Metals America Ltd. has developed ZMG232L interconnector material for SOFC.

Products: MEA–Membranes, MEA–Gas Diffusion Layers, MEA–Plates, Other
Other Product: Interconnects and separators for SOFC stacks
Compatible with: Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

tom Bell
Senior Sales Engineer
(847) 873-7396

85 W. Algonquin Rd
Suite 400
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
United States
(847) 873-7396

In Business Since: 1965
# of US Employees: 1000+
ZMG232L is a Fe-22Cr ferritic alloy with low Aluminum & Silicon content. A long term oxidation behavior of ZMG232L was investigated and studied accelerated oxidation mechanism related to constituent elements.

Last updated: February 20, 2017