Hydrogen Fuel Cell Nexus (HFCnexus) is a business‐to‐business directory that helps suppliers connect with buyers. HFCnexus is the most comprehensive, dedicated database of hydrogen and fuel cell suppliers in the United States, and funded initially by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Our Mission: Strengthen the U.S. hydrogen and fuel cell supply chain to improve access to U.S. suppliers, bring down costs, identify gaps, and make it the most competitive in the world.
Start-up funding for the project was provided through a competitive grant process by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fuel Cell Technologies Office. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Nexus is a joint project of Virginia Clean Cities at James Madison University (project manager, outreach), Breakthrough Technologies Institute (subject matter expert) and Birch Studio (website development).
Join the Supply Chain
Suppliers may sign up by requesting a free account. After a quick review, U.S. based vendors in the hydrogen and fuel cell supply chain can create a listing in the simple, web-based interface. Suppliers are also encouraged to post specific, hard-to-fill needs in the Matchmaker section.
Support HFCnexus
Financial and in-kind opportunities are available to support HFCnexus, which in turn, supports the overall health and visibility of the U.S. hydrogen and fuel cell industries. For more information, visit our advertising page, and contact Alleyn Harned by email or phone: 540-568-8896.