> ElectroChem, Inc.

Company Type: Developer, Research/Demonstration, Sales/Marketing, Supplier
Description: ElectroChem, Inc., manufactures a variety of components for the fuel cell industry, ranging from MEAs to electrodes and component accessories.

Products: Catalyst, Electrodes, Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEA), MEA–Membranes, MEA–Dispersions, MEA–Gaskets, MEA–Gas Diffusion Layers, MEA–Plates, MEA–Component Accessories, Other
Other Product: Fuel Cell Testing Equipment
Compatible with: Direct Methanol Fuel Cell, Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell

Jeremy Bernier
Business Manager

400 West Cummings Park
Woburn, MA 01801
United States

In Business Since: 1986
# of US Employees: 6-10
Development of Nano-composite membrane for high pressure hydrogen generation – NASA funded.

Development of Dead-ended, completely passive PEMFC stack for various applications including operation in zero gravity – NASA funded, patent pending.

Last updated: May 16, 2017